Test Chinese Restaurant

And proud to say, I don’t jump in the bandwagon. Okay, so I tend to possess this slightly haywire tastebud compared to the norms, but wanna know my vote for favourite ‘tauge ayam’ in Ipoh?
Cowan Street’s decades of legacy obviously. They started this whole ‘nga choy gai’ mania waaaaaayyyy back before my time, serving the much-revered chicken, bean sprouts and rice noodles medley by the roadside underneath some trees.
Marred by their notorious reputation of closing their business more often than not; in a very haphazardly manner at that, even the locals got fed up sometimes.
However, on the positive side, their flavourful rendition of poached chicken in a beautifully compelling sauce with a nutty hint, smooth ‘sar hor fun’ (the flat rice noodles you cannot find anywhere else) and crunchy bean sprouts are probably second to none. Small portion? Maybe. And slightly pricier too, but definitely worth the money forked out for.
COWAN STREET AYAM TAUGE & KOITIAU (Click for the full review)
44, Jalan Raja Ekram,
30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Telephone : 6012-520 3322 (Ah Meng)
Business hours : Opens for dinner only, from about 7pm onwards.
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Hands down THE most popular place in Ipoh, and heck … probably all of Malaysia for good old ‘nga choy gai’. They have grown from strength to strength, albeit very stiff competition from Onn Kee situated beside AND diagonally opposite of them.
Yet, feedbacks have not been all rosy. Some have complained of poor quality control, and mediocre standard of service. There were times when the poached chicken arrived with unsightly and unpalatable bloody bits, especially at the flesh closest to the chicken thigh.
But still, can’t deny the lure of a late midnight feast here, dining under the stars (the real deal and the glitzy neon lights hovering from above), and slurping on smooth ‘sar hor fun’ and crunchy bean sprouts.
Oh, personally, I think Lou Wong still does the best blanched bean sprouts in Ipoh.
49, Jalan Yau Tet Shin,
30300 Ipoh, Perak,
Opens for lunch and dinner.

今天,我和欧巴来到位于霹雳江沙瑶伦新村 (Kuala Kangsar Jerlun) 里的一间我们很向往的深夜食堂,天下の食 (Tenka no Shoku)。在一个新村了竟然又这么特别的一家日式餐厅,肯定不能错过咯!
烧鳗鱼饭 (RM 22.30)
我们点了一份鳗鱼饭,所使用的鳗鱼蛮新鲜的,口感不错而且很细嫩。卖相非常的好,让人看了都垂涎欲滴。这里的烧鳗鱼饭 没有使用浓厚的酱汁,口味比较清淡,但胜在可以吃到原汁原味。
盐烧三文鱼头 (RM 14.30)
泡菜豆腐粉丝煲 (RM 12.30)
瑶伦豆腐 (RM 4.30)
烧拼盘 (RM 11.30)
烧猪扒饭 (RM 8.30)
烧鸡饭 (RM 8.30)
九州猪骨汤拉面 (RM 9.30)
天下の食 (Sushi Village Restaurant)
M-2 Gerai Pasar Awam,
Kampung Baru Jerlun,
33000 Ipoh, Perak.
GPS: 4.7322050,100.9113903
Tel: 010 – 330 3082/ 011 – 1080 9428
Tue – Sun: 5 pm – 11 pm
(Close on Monday)
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